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W7: Fashion and wet

This week was the fashion week in Uruguay, then with Maca, studying textile design, we went to the MOWEEK two days in a row, a fashion event organized in the LATU.

I had a great time, I went to a social media consultancy with Angela (an influencer) in which I learned a lot, I put on makeup, and participated in many courses, I won a detergent, two notebooks, a bag, a mini perfume, etc.

The bad part, was that winter came, and with the rain, but not the quiet rain, but the storm, the one that wet your underwear. I like the rain, but when I stay at home and when I'm warm, not when I go out with a shirt and slippers to the street.

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W5: Tourism in turismo

From Tuesday to Thursday, Luca, played it and organized a trip this week so foreigners know Uruguay. It was amazing, the experience was really priceless, I am very surprised of how enrouados are my co

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