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W4: Tour time and go fit

Although these weeks have been a lot of work and theoretical learning, I have also learned a lot from Uruguay. I have enrolled in two tours of the city, the second one in the old city, this week.

Even though they were sides that I had already walked, I learned a lot, from history, laws, customs, data freaks, etc.

It surprises me a lot like a city that a priori looks normal, it hides so much in its walls, the stories are very fascinating, as a tourist life is very different. (if someday they come to Uruguay, going through the freetours of curious tour, very friendly guides and very entertaining the tour).

In my stay at the university, back in Chile, I learned the importance of exercising during an academic semester, important to be active but above all for mental health. This is why, and because I like physical activity, that a few weeks ago I made the necessary procedures to attend fitness, a class of university welfare, which could be accessed by being in UdelaR.

This week I had my first two classes, and after so much without exercising, they were quite intense, but very entertaining too. Now comes tourism and I will have to wait for more weeks for the next class.

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W5: Tourism in turismo

From Tuesday to Thursday, Luca, played it and organized a trip this week so foreigners know Uruguay. It was amazing, the experience was really priceless, I am very surprised of how enrouados are my co

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