We finish LAPASSION project.
We want to share our product as a result of 10 working weeks.
Bondiveo is a public transport application that connects children and adults while discovering the city together. The app contains updated and personalized challenges and the passengers have to look through the window in order to get the answers. It has a mapping system to alert the bus stops.
Bondiveo is designed to be use by children between 5 and 10 years and their legal guardians who travel by public transport. The main advantage of Bondiveo is that it not only gives information about the route but also makes people interact with their city. Technology is only the support to connect with the outside world.
Alejandro Castro Sa, Social Media, UVIGO, Spain.
Luca Pradeiro, Landscape Design, UDELAR, Uruguay
Mariana Paredes, Industrial Desing-Product, UDELAR, Uruguay
Victoria Belén Lopéz Valdés, Civil Engineering, PUC, Chile
Verónica Cecilia Rocha Sena, Psychology, UDELAR, URUGUAY