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WEEK 4: Beginning to define

This week, we redefined our problem about the leisure and free time of children and their parents. The lack of time of the parents and the difficulty of the children to get to garden, school, park, square, court or other places by bus, were our references to analyze the problem.

According to Article 31 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC): The States Parties recognize the right of the child to rest and leisure, to play and recreational activities appropriate to their age and to participate freely in cultural life and in the arts.

Then, we decided that the children could spent time with games appropriate to their age using a mobile application and in relation to the adult who travels with him.

The metodology used this week was the Lean canvas, to think about the the bussines model. Thanks to the this , we defined the problem, the place and the users in a better way. According to the problem, we found possible solutions, channels, advantages, costs, structure and revenue stream.

At the end, we asked ourselves some questions about our product-service: What is it? What does it do? What doesn’t it do?

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