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  • Team

WEEK 3: Having ideas

This week we came back to redefine the problems. At first time we choose two and we work with both but at the end we choose the one that was more interesting to us. The problem is:

Leticia (mother of 30-45 years of upper-middle class lives in the Aguada area) who has a 5 years old daughter, she needs a more pleasant public transportation because she thinks that when she moves with her daughter to more areas of the city she wasted time that she could use with her.

After choosing this problem we generated ideas of possible solutions with Brainstorming methodology. It’s that each member of the team thought about ideas and then share them, prioritizing quantity and not quality, in order to activate our creativity.

Of these millions ideas, we select five possible solutions to our problem, and then we apply to each of these ideas a technique called scamper. SCAMPER is a tool to improve an object, product or service using the creativity to imagine all the possibilities. We change a little bit the original idea to use different tecniques: Substitution, Combination, Adaptation, Modification (maginifation, minimization), Proposition of new uses, Elimination, Realignment

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