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W4: Durazno: City (... and fruit)

The Lapassion course traveled to the city of Durazno.

Dynamics: "Bricks & Bits. Toy factory "

Place: UTEC, Durazno

Team: Alejandra - Luca - Mariana - Victoria

Child: Agustín

Toy: remote control car

Problem: part of the remote control was broken

Methodology: In the first encounter with agustin the team besides talking about the toy also talked about places where he played, with who he played, and what other things he liked.

Solution: Remote controlled car with added pieces of lego, dolls, skulls and other pieces.

Extra course:

We, my lapassion classmates and I, organize the first “asado uruguayo”. The "asado" it was composed of the following cuts of meat: Matambre de cerdo relleno, Colita de cuadril, Asado, Chorizo, Choto, Riñón, Morrón con Queso, Cebolla asada, Papa al plomo, Salsa: “chimichurri”, ...y siempre acompañado por un rico vino tinto.

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W5: Little Holidays

This week is the week of tourism or holy week. We did not have a course. Then we organize a trip to some places in Uruguay. Here is a list of the places visited with some words and images that convey

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